There's nothing like a perfectly fit pointe shoe. Led by Khabira Temesheva Isenzhulova, PhD (aka Dr. K), we've created a best-in-class shoe fitting system. Let's get started.
First, Let's Measure
You'll need two sheets of plain, unlined paper (printer paper is fine), one for each foot.
Standing, place your right foot in the middle of one sheet of the white paper. Trace the outside of your foot using a pencil or pen. Do not angle the top of the pencil or pen towards the inside of the foot, try to keep the tracing as accurate as possible around your foot shape.
Repeat the same process for your left foot and be sure to note at the top “L” or “R” for each foot.
Using a ruler or measuring tape, draw a line from the center of the heel to the edge of the big toe (#1) and measure this distance in centimeter’s (or inches) and write it on the line you drew.
Draw a second line (#2) between the metatarsus and measure this line and write it on the line, like the example.